Basically the primary source of damage is from touch of despair and curse explosion and counter barrier. Counter Barrier scales with damage reduction (deals 2.5x damage reduction to attacker) which is why I stack so much DR and take the 4 piece buff from shock commander (counter barrier only reflects what is blocked or evaded and with this build and max level counter barrier up you have 79% chance to passive shield block). It is almost impossible to lose to a crossbow user with this build. They will do 0 damage and will melt themselves hitting you.
Counter barrier + Stalwart is not just defensive but offensive as well. You will chunk crossbow users of mages casting a barrage with this timed correctly. You have 4 cc abilities to peel and pick depending on situation. You have heals and blessed barrier will counter anti-heal if ran. Touch of despair and curse explosion is nice burst damage to compliment everything else.
This is your primary damage rotation. Like 90% of the time if you are hitting you will have 3 stack of touch of despair with two casts of it.
This is not only defense but major burst damage if timed correctly.
This will heal you or an ally through anything, even anti heal.
Take Ezekiel for 1v1/small scale pvp as the extra aoe damage that scales from your max health plus the extra defense and the life steal makes you almost unkillable in small scale. Lady Knight is better in large scale because the shield and the cool down reduction let you keep not only yourself but your allies alive through big aoe bursts.