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Throne and Liberty Excavator's Breath
Item Skill

Additional 380 Health heal per 6s when using Swift Healing skills on allies with 40% or lower Health. Cooldown 30s
Excavator's Breath
Additional 380 Health heal per 6s when using Swift Healing skills on allies with 40% or lower Health. Cooldown 30s

Related Skills

Blocking a melee attack decreases the attacker's Move and Attack Speed by 30% for 3s and applies Sleep: Curse for the next 3s (6s for monsters). Cooldown 30s.
Chernobog's Incubus
Resets Camouflage Cloak cooldown on enemy kills within 5s of its expiration. Camouflage Cloak deals 205% of Base Damage to all enemies in a 3m radius, with a 70% chance to apply Collision: Push.
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