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Throne and Liberty Temitran
Mutant Plant Morph

Mutant Plant
The Temitrans of The Raging Wilds are a variation of Mitrans. People often mistake them for dried trees. They are quite docile during the day and won't attack passing travelers unless they are provoked.
Temitrain Morph in Throne & Liberty
Temitrain Morph in Throne & Liberty

To unlock the Temitrain morph, complete the second objective of Cowardly Apprentice Wizard, a quest in the Raging Wilds Exploration Codex:

  • Collect materials and bring them to the Apprentice Wizard to the south of Dry Roots
  • Defeat 5 Temitran to acquire Life-Containing Tough Tree Bark
A special Morphstone to morph into the designated form. Imprints onto your body, enabling you to morph

Related Morphs

Mutant Plant
The Temitrans of The Raging Wilds are a variation of Mitrans. People often mistake them for dried trees. They are quite docile during the day and won't attack passing travelers unless they are provoked.
Violent Temitran
Mutant Plant
Mitrans are one of the oldest species in this world. They originated from the first seed created by Einar, which was grown into a beautiful tree with the water of life. It is said that they are the fathers of all plant life and generally care after all life forms as a parent would.