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Throne and Liberty Demons of Eld

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Before departing from this world, I, Erdor, leave this record of the knowledge I have gained over many years as a demon hunter. Demons destroyed my family and I vowed to do whatever it took to discover the culprits and exact my revenge. But unfortunately, all I could find on my own were mere traces of random lesser demons. After running myself ragged, I finally learned something concrete about demons, but it was not by my own doing. Everything written henceforth is what I saw and heard through the eyes and ears of a demon itself. How ironic that my sole achievement in life as a demon hunter was accomplished with the help of a demon... (Burn marks are visible. It seems the rest of the text was destroyed.)

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In the beginning, all beings exiled to the eternal dark world were bloodthirsty beasts, little more than vessels containing the sins of the world. These creatures derived from darkness were called demonic beasts, and the prison that contained them was known as Diabolica. It is said that one day, the goddess Sylaveth descended to Diabolica and made the creatures there her subjects. The demonic beasts who gained power through her blessings grew cunning and intelligent. These came to be known as demons. Demons appeared in countless forms and possessed their own unique abilities, but each and every one of them was sly and wicked to the bone. When the goddess departed Diabolica, she left unending slaughter and war in her wake. Those aiming to summon a demon to the overworld must build an altar of pure human blood, flesh, and sulfur fire. They then must draw the emblem of the demon and call out its true name three times. The various emblems and true names of the demons are recorded here, but anyone who desires to use this forbidden magic must bear this in mind: those who covet the power of a demon will gain what they desire for a time, but this path inevitably leads to their destruction.

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His true name is Havres, and he is known as the Demon of Knowledge. His eyes are like flames, his voice is like thunder, and his tongue is like a snake's. All words ever written were originally left as records in Havres's ancient library. He possesses the revelations of heaven and the wisdom of earth, but uses his knowledge to destroy humankind by teaching it forbidden truths. To oppose Havres, you must put flame to the desert flower that grows like a snake's tongue, and then have the demon smell the resulting incense.

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Her true name is Risieth, the Demon of Deceit. She is the seventh sentry of the missing goddess. Her thorns are innumerable and sharper than blades. Her black lips are filled with poison. She is an adept trickster who uses her beautiful figure and charming whispers to captivate humans. It is as if those who sacrifice themselves for her ends have scales blinding their eyes. To oppose Risieth, you must pay the price by using the pure blood of a Star-Born.